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Advisory Board

David Schwebel – University of Alabama at Birmingham, United States

CIPA Injury

David C. Schwebel, PhD, is Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He earned his PhD from the University of Iowa in 2000 and completed a clinical psychology internship at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Dr. Schwebel has published more than 175 peer-reviewed articles, most focusing on understanding and preventing unintentional injury in children. Specific risk factors of interest include temperament and personality, overestimation of physical ability and cognitive development, and adult supervision of children. From a prevention perspective, he has developed and implemented injury prevention techniques for pedestrian safety training in virtual reality environments, school playground safety via behavioral strategies targeting teachers, drowning prevention through lifeguard training at public swimming pools, dog bite prevention in rural China and in the United States, and kerosene safety in low-income South Africa neighborhoods. Dr. Schwebel is a Woodrow Wilson Scholar, a Fulbright Award winner, and a Fellow of the American Psychological Association.